Detecting and diagnosing different disease states and prescribing the most appropriate medication for them, based on the values of the examinations and tests.
Supervising some of the operations that their cases are subject to.
Providing first aid to any sick or injured person.
Providing medical care in hospitals and public centers.
Observe patients during the treatment period, and monitor their response to it and their indicators.
He directs patients on ways to take care of their health, and gives a number of health instructions.
Undertaking the task of directing the patient to a different treatment specialty if his condition requires it.
Direct patients and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the case, regardless of the treatment period.
Guiding the nursing group that helps him and rehabilitating them as required.
He is keen to see all developments in the medical sector anywhere and in any specialty.
It directs individuals on psychological and social matters that may have a direct or indirect impact on their health status.
Contribute to the consolidation of community awareness about the instructions that must be adhered to in order to implement the required health prevention, as prevention is an essential part, and its correct application may contribute to avoiding many diseases and shortening a long road to treatment.
The GP must be fully prepared to deal with people with severe, severe and permanent illnesses.
In cases where it is difficult to go to hospitals, the general practitioner goes to the residence of the case to monitor her health condition and provide his companions with the right methods to take care of her during the treatment period.
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